
Portrait of Matsuri

About Matsuri

A powerful and enigmatic character in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, Matsuri is a sentient God Tree clone born from the chakra of Moegi Kazamatsuri, targeting Konohamaru Sarutobi for consumption.

First Appearance: Chapter 6


Matsuri is a pivotal character in the manga series “Boruto: Two Blue Vortex,” embodying the complex and evolving nature of the sentient God Trees. Born from the chakra of Moegi Kazamatsuri, Matsuri’s existence is deeply intertwined with the emotional and relational dynamics of the characters she encounters, particularly Konohamaru Sarutobi.


Matsuri is characterized by her egotistical, cavalier, and volatile nature, which sets her apart from other God Tree clones. Her personality is a corrupted reflection of Moegi’s, driven by a hunger for human chakra and a specific desire to consume Konohamaru, whom Moegi holds dear.

Role in the Story

Matsuri’s role in “Boruto: Two Blue Vortex” is multifaceted. She is one of the four sentient God Tree clones created by Code’s divine arts, each with their own ego and unique chakra-eating instincts. Matsuri’s primary goal is to achieve the final evolution by preying on Boruto and Kawaki, but her immediate focus is on consuming Konohamaru, drawing on his connection to Moegi.


  • Moegi Kazamatsuri: Matsuri’s existence is based on Moegi’s chakra, making their relationship deeply intertwined. Matsuri’s actions are driven by Moegi’s emotions and relationships, particularly her bond with Konohamaru.
  • Konohamaru Sarutobi: Matsuri targets Konohamaru for consumption, leveraging his connection to Moegi. This confrontation is expected to be a pivotal moment in the story, potentially elevating Konohamaru’s role and allowing him to achieve his destiny as one of Konoha’s most important protectors.
  • Team 10: The potential battle between Matsuri and Team 10 (Shikadai, Inojin, and Chocho) is highly anticipated, as it could provide a significant opportunity for character development and plot progression.

Significant Plot Points

  • Creation: Matsuri was created when Moegi was swallowed by a schizont while trying to save a mother and child from the Ten-Tails schizonts. This event led to the formation of a sentient God Tree clone with Moegi’s chakra and memories.
  • Target: Matsuri’s primary target is Konohamaru Sarutobi, driven by Moegi’s feelings and relationships. This confrontation is expected to be a critical moment in the story, potentially leading to significant character development and plot twists.
  • Evolution: Matsuri’s ultimate goal is to achieve the final evolution by preying on Boruto and Kawaki, aligning with the objectives of the other sentient God Tree clones.


Matsuri’s character in “Boruto: Two Blue Vortex” represents a complex and intriguing element of the story, embodying the themes of corruption, evolution, and the deep emotional connections between characters. Her role is pivotal in driving the plot forward, particularly in her confrontation with Konohamaru, which could lead to significant character development and plot progression.